How to use Merge Tags in Email Campaigns

Merge tags are unique labels that reference specific information stored in MonkeyPod. You can use merge tags to insert personalized information such as a name or a total donation amount into your emails.

How do I use Merge Tags in my MonkeyPod?

Merge tags are added into the content of an email campaign. You can add them into Email Templates or right into the content of a regular email. 

To insert a merge tag into an email, there are three simple steps

  1. Find the block of text you want to add the personalized merge tag to
  2. Click on Merge Tags as shown in the screenshot below
  3. Choose which merge tag you want to add...that's it!

Screenshot showing where to find merge tags

How do I insert a Merge Tag into the subject line of an email?

If you want to personalize the subject line of an email, you can easily do that in MonkeyPod by adding a Merge Tag into the subject line of your Email Campaign.

For example, adding ::subscriber.first_name:: to your subject line will show this as "Cristina here is your yearly giving update" to the person!

What Merge Tags are currently available in my MonkeyPod?

The Merge Tags list below provides the ::merge tag:: and description of the tag's use. You can copy directly from this page and paste the exact merge tag into your MonkeyPod.



Inserts your subscriber's first name if it's available


Inserts your subscriber's last name if it's available

Inserts your subscriber's email address


Inserts your subscriber's street, city, zip, state, and country if available

Donation Information


Inserts your donor's lifetime donation total


Inserts your donor's donation total for this fiscal year


Inserts your donor's donations total for last fiscal year



Inserts your organization's name


Inserts a link for your subscriber to unsubscribe from an email list


Inserts the full URL (web address) to unsubscribe from an email list


Allows your subscriber to view the email in a web page view

Inserts the name of the email campaign

Inserts the name of the email list

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will it look like if the field isn't populated? For example, if I put in ::subscriber.first_name:: ::subscriber.last_name:: and there isn't a first name in the field what will it put in?
    • If there is nothing in the field, it will be skipped. For example, if the first name is blank and the last name is Bahm it will show as:

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