Overview of Budgets

MonkeyPod makes it easy to create budgets and count spending against them as you go. This article will walk you through how to create and manage budgets in MonkeyPod.

How do budgets work in my MonkeyPod?

Budgets come in four different types:

  1. Organization: Budgets for your organization
  2. Class: Budgets for a class of expenses
  3. Grant: Budgets tied to a grant
  4. Tag: Budgets tied to a tag

These four types of budget scopes allow you to track budget versus actuals in real time! For example, if you have a tag scope budget for a particular program, when you enter transactions for that tag they will automatically be brought over into your budget as actuals.

Where do I enter a budget in my MonkeyPod?

Budget tools can be found by selecting the Finance menu. Select List Budgets to view all your current budgets.

Screenshot showing where to find budget information

This will then show you a list of your budgets. To add a new one click on Create a new budget.

From here you can choose the budget scope

Give the budget a name, dates, and enter the budget lines for the accounts from your chart of accounts!

How do the actuals get into my budget?

When you enter any revenue or expense transaction, any information tied to that transaction will come in as actuals towards your budget.

For example, the transaction below would put $500.00 of actuals into account 9000: Travel for a budget:

  • At the Organization level
  • The Class-level budget tied to Fundraising
  • The Tag-level budget tied to the 2023 Film Festival tag
  • The Grant-level budget for the Community Challenge grant

Screenshot showing expense details

Can I mark a budget as private?

Yes! We understand that sometimes you need to mark a budget as private. You can do that by selecting the Yes, this budget should only be visible to designated collaborators button

Screenshot showing how to limit visibility for a budget

Then you simply choose the user you want to add to the budget and you're all set!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can you do a rollup of multiple budgets?
    1. Yes! Check out our article on Budget Roll-Ups to learn how to do this!
  2. Can I bring in my budget lines with a CSV upload? 
    1. Yes! Simply select CSV upload and follow the instructions from there

screenshot showing where to do a CSV upload