How to use the Duplicates Manager

MonkeyPod knows that managing duplicates can be a pain in any organization. So we came up with a tool to make it easy! Want to easily merge or household accounts? The Duplicates Manager can handle that!

Where is the Duplicates Manager in my MonkeyPod?

To get to your Duplicates Manager, go to Relationships then go to Manage Duplicates on the left hand side.

Screenshot showing where to find duplicates manager

From here, you will see the Duplicates Manager

Screenshot showing duplicate manager

How do I manage duplicates in my MonkeyPod?

Likely versus Potential Duplicates

In your MonkeyPod, you will see two categories: "Likely Duplicates" and "Possible Duplicates"

Likely Duplicates are generally going to include cases where more than one person has the same email address or the exact same name. Most of the time, the folks on this list will be actual duplicates.

Possible Duplicates are possible matches for a duplicate and may include individuals with the same last name and the same first initial. Some of these will be duplicates, but many will not (e.g., "Jane Smith" and "John Smith" are two totally different people, but they could show up as possible duplicates).

Examining the data for the potential duplicates in MonkeyPod

When you're dealing with potential duplicates, the first step is to list the individual relationships that match the criteria:

If you aren't sure if these are the same or different people, you can hover your mouse over each person's name to see their email address and regular address, if available. You can also click the name to see their full record in MonkeyPod. 

Merging, Householding, or keeping the accounts 

Now that you have seen the potential duplicates, and explored the options, it's time to decide what you're going to do!

Here are your three options:

1. If your entity or person is a legitimate unique relationship, click the actions menu at the far right of the row and select "Confirm Unique and Hide". That will remove them from the list of possible duplicates for the name or email address in question.

2. If your entity or person is a duplicate with another relationship listed and you would like to merge the records. To merge right from the Duplicates Manager, simply grab the three lines icon, drag the record, and drop it into the "Merger Into" to initiate a merge.

3. If your entity or person is a duplicate, but you want to household them instead of merging their data. To do this right in the Manager, simply use the same drag-and-drop procedure, dropping the "child" record into "Add to household" box for the parent record.  

How do I merge in my MonkeyPod?

From here, you will see an arrow that shows who will be merged into whom. In this case we are merging Abe Scollard into Jane Sharrett's record.

you will then be asked to select the surviving information. Please note that email and physical addresses you do not choose will be kept as alternates in the surviving relationship.

!Merging entity records is permanent and can't be undone. Make sure you know what you're doing.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the accounts I want to merge aren't showing up in the Duplicates Manager?
    1. No problem! Go to the account you want to keep then select the Merge a relationship option