How to Use Roles

Your organization has relationships with a lot of different entities! If you are migrating to MonkeyPod it is *REALLY* important that you know what roles you are going to have in your system.

What are relationship roles in my MonkeyPod?

To organize and segment information for relationships of a specific type, MonkeyPod uses roles.

At their core, roles are labels that you assign to different types of relationships.

To see which roles a relationship holds, you simply go to their relationship page and look at the top right corner. You'll see the roles there!

Screenshot showing relationship roles on an account

A relationship in MonkeyPod can have one role, several roles, or no roles.

How do roles work in my MonkeyPod?

Roles provide a way for your organization to easily segment Email Campaigns and Custom Attributes. They are the foundation of a lot of the system so you want to make sure you take your time when defining them!

Roles can be used to:

  • Segment Email Campaigns
  • Return search results
  • and so much more!

How do I add our roles to my MonkeyPod?

To begin, MonkeyPod gives you the commonly used roles of:

  • Customer
  • Donor
  • Employee
  • Vendor

While you can add as many roles as you want, we recommend that you stick to between 5 and 7!

To add a role go to Relationships in the main menu then under Track and Organize you'll see Manage Roles.

Screenshot showing where Manage Roles is

Then, on the Relationship Roles page, click "Add a new role".

Screenshot of MonkeyPod Relationship Roles page, with Add a new role highlighted under the table header ROLE

Type a name for your new role and click the checkmark to save it.

Screenshot showing where to add a new role

What are "relationship cards"?

Relationship cards are summaries of information, or quick data points for a relationship in your MonkeyPod. For example, for this relationship we have the relationship cards Contract Info, Social Media, Documents, Contributions, Purchased, Spending, Invoicing, Contractor, and Pipelines.

This relationship has so many cards because that individual plays a lot of roles in the organization!

To view or modify which relationship cards appear for each role, choose Relationships from the main menu, then under Track & Organize select Manage Roles.

Screenshot showing were to find Manage Roles

From here you'll see a list of the roles you have in the system and their relationship cards. 

Screenshot showing relationship cards

If you would like to configure which relationship cards show up for a particular role, click on the Edit role settings button.

From here you can see which relationship cards anyone with that role will have, or add your own by click on the blue checkbox next to that card

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