What's new with MonkeyPod?

We just released an exciting update to MonkeyPod. We've given the platform a visual refresh and are releasing new features to give you more time to focus on your mission.

What's Changing?

We can't wait to help you make an even bigger impact on your community with the new and improved MonkeyPod.

A better, faster, more intuitive MonkeyPod

As you explore the new and improved MonkeyPod, you'll find all kinds of exciting updates to the platform. You'll find it faster to enter transactions, manage relationships, and more. Below, we'll highlight a few of our favorite updates.

New Navigation Menu

One of the things that we pride ourselves on at MonkeyPod is our commitment to Community Driven Software Design. To this end, we have been paying attention and we are excited to announce the brand new navigation menu! 😁

Overarching New Menu Features

  • Find your basic settings, organization setup, and imports in the new My MonkeyPod menu.
  • We've added Email Outreach, Fundraising, and Apps & Integrations to the new menu, making it even easier to access the features you need.
  • The new Finance menu brings together all your transactions and budgets.
  • We've moved a few features around based on feedback from users like you with a goal of making everything even easier to access.

Let's give you a high level tour of each of the new menus.

New My MonkeyPod Navigation Menu

With new clearer MonkeyPod Setup and My Stuff labels, we tried to make it easy to know what you need to set up your MonkeyPod!

Screenshot showing the My MonkeyPod menu

Finance Menu

This brand-new menu brings together all things finance. It's a combination of the previous Transactions, Budgets, and Accounting Settings menus. Now your finance team has a one-stop-shop for everything they need.

Screenshot showing the Finance menu

Relationships Menu

We've shuffled a few things around in the Relationships menu to make it easier to find the things you need. We've also removed the Email Marketing items from this list and moved them to a dedicated Email Outreach menu.

Screenshot showing the relationships menu

Fundraising Menu (New!)

The Fundraising menu has been given a little bit of love by way of reorganization. The biggest change with this menu is in the new Fundraising Apps area so you can quickly access the new Campaign Tracker app, Grant Tracker, and more.

Screenshot showing the Fundraising menu

Email Outreach Menu (New!)

This update includes the introduction of a brand-new Email Outreach Menu. 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Our development team has invested a ton of time and care and time in making email even better so you can effectively communicate with your donors and constituients. Here, you can create campaigns, view insights, and access powerful features like BCC to MonkeyPod and Email Automation.

Reports Menu

The new Reports Menu features a reordering and reorganization of your usual reports! We've organized this menu into Accounting & Finance, Operations, and Fundraising & Sales to make it easy for anyone on your team to access the information they need.

New Apps & Integrations Menu (New!)

No longer buried under your organization settings, MonkeyPod now surfaces information on your apps and integrations. You can quickly access, install, and uninstall apps and integrations from this menu.

Screenshot showing the Apps & Integrations menu

New Action Menu

If you're a long time MonkeyPod user or you've attended a Welcome Wednesday, you've probably heard us mention the "three dots" menu dozens of times.

Well, the times are changing. We've replaced the three dots with a new Action Menu for any record (i.e. relationships, transactions, grants, etc.) This new menu makes it easier to see which actions are available to you and is responsive to the size of your screen.

Check out the new action menu below! If your screen is narrow it appears as a list of icons. As soon as you hover over it the Action Menu brings up the available actions for each record!

Screenshot showing new menu

New Icons

Similar to the new Action Menu described above, if there were only a couple of actions in the three dots action menu to the far right, those actions have been replaced with icons, so you can take action with one less click.

But what do these icons mean?!

Miss the labels from the old navigation? Enjoy the best of both worlds! Simply hover over the icon and your MonkeyPod will let you know what that icon means.

More insight into your organization

We know how important good data is to successfully running your organization, so we've made it even easier to pull insights about your nonprofit. You'll find new reports and additional charts, graphs, and visualizations throughout your MonkeyPod.

Here are a few of our favorite new reports:

Income and Expenses by Month

A new report that shows your income and expenses by month for a given fiscal year.

Fundraising Performance

A new report that slices and dices your fundraising analytics several different ways.

Donor Management visualizations 

And on top of all that, the Working Capital report and Grant Tracker proposals are now exportable.

Campaign Tracker

Our newest premium app is Campaign Tracker, a hub you can use to manage everything about your fundraising campaigns, including prospects, appeals, goals, and more.

Campaign Tracker is available for all Pro and Enterprise subscribers starting April 2, 2024. Learn more by visiting the App Marketplace.

New and Improved Fundraising Pages

We've given our fundraising pages a fresh coat of paint, and we think you'll love what we've done with them. Best of all, you can now embed YouTube videos into your pages, making your fundraising calls even more compelling.

MonkeyPod Academy

MonkeyPod is the newest way we're helping make good nonprofits great. We're offering free classes to help you use MonkeyPod more effectively and run your organization better.

MonkeyPod Academy trainings are available to all Pro and Enterprise subscribers. Learn more about MonkeyPod Academy.

Other Updates

Okay, you're still with us? We know that's a long list of updates, but for the sake of transparency, here's all the other little things we've updated throughout MonkeyPod.

  • Faster load times, especially for complex pages with lots of elements (e.g., viewing a relationship with lots of roles and data)
  • New user interface elements that are designed to make it clearer what actions are available in any given context, along with clearer explanations when something can't be performed (e.g., when a transaction can't be deleted, it should be easier to understand why).
  • More actions that can be performed "on-the-fly" without having to disrupt your workflow.
  • Some design updates that we think look nice
  • Record credit card donations not processed by MonkeyPod, including processing fees
  • Optionally filter out zero-dollar transactions when viewing an account register
  • Better enforcement of user access permissions with dashboard widgets
  • "Made a donation" has been added as a conditional field in the Email Automation app
  • Automatically record thank you email as an interaction when a user donates to a fundraising page
  • Associate a class with a Stripe product to automatically organize your data when you record a sale
  • Reimbursable expenses on invoices
  • A few other random things that you'll likely discover along the way!

There's even more little tweaks we've made to improve your MonkeyPod experience along the way, so don't be surprised if you find some exciting new features as you go about your day. If you have any feedback about the new and improved MonkeyPod, don't hesitate to reach out to our Support team.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why would you do this to us?
    1. MonkeyPod v3 includes some really cool things that have been requested via our public roadmap and in order to implement these changes we had to change up some of the bones of the software. So we figured while we were in there making improvements, we would change some of the things that we get asked about frequently.