How to use Relationship Types

Relationships in MonkeyPod can be one of six types and you can think of them as more of a factual "This is what this relationship is" distinction. Alternatively, Relationships can also be assigned a Role in MonkeyPod which is more so how that Relationship interactions with your organization. So a Relationship in your MonkeyPod will have both a type and a role.

Types in MonkeyPod are listed below:

  1. Individual: This is an entity, usually an individual person, that interacts with your organization on their own behalf

The rest of these entities, interact with you as the type of entity they are.

  1. Organization: This is an entity that interacts with you as an organization 
  2. Foundation: This is an entity that interacts with you as a foundation
  3. Government: This is an entity that interacts with you as a government entity
  4. Corporate: This is an entity that interacts with you as a corporation
  5. Other: This type of entity is reserved for when an entity doesn't neatly fit into a category above

What do I need to know about Types?

  1. The list that comes with MonkeyPod is the entire list. You cannot add anymore.
    1. If you're thinking of adding more, be sure you aren't thinking of roles!
  2. A Relationship in your MonkeyPod can only be one Type
  3. If you are importing your data you must give each relationships being imported a type.

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