How to Record a Recurring Donation

If you have wonderful supporters who commit to making regular, ongoing donations to your organization, you'll appreciate MonkeyPod's automations for recording recurring donations! In this article, we describe how to record a donation as recurring. While recording donations in MonkeyPod is pretty easy, if you are new to the software (welcome!) or if you are doing this for the first time, you might want to check out our article on Recording a Donation first to learn about all options for recording donations.

How do I record a recurring donation in my MonkeyPod?

To record a recurring transaction in MonkeyPod, first record a donation, then make that donation recurring. The original transaction you record serves as a template for each future instance of the recurring donation. That means if you go back and edit the original transaction, those changes will be reflected in any future copies recorded, but will not change any previously recorded copies.

Start by choosing Record a Donation from the Finance menu.

Image of the Finance menu with

Enter the details about the donation then choose "Save as Recurring".

Image of

Now that you've recorded the initial transaction, you can have MonkeyPod "memorize" the transaction and schedule the recurrences. Set the frequency of future donations as well as the next date and an optional end date here, and click "Save".

And that's it! MonkeyPod will take care of the rest by automatically recording the future recurring donations for you.

How do I edit a recurring donation in my MonkeyPod?

Let's say Tina, from the donation above, emails us six months later and wants to change the amount of her donation or stop it all together. To record the change:

Choose Finance then Recurring Transactions from the menu to view all your recurring donations.

Image of the Finance menu with

  1. Click the gear icon next to the transaction you want to edit.

Adjust the frequency or end date, and click "Save". Or click "End Now" to stop all future donations immediately.

Screenshot of the Memorize Donation dialog

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I already have a donation in my MonkeyPod that I want to make recurring? Can I do this?

Yes! Simply go to the donation, and choose Memorize Donation from the sidebar menu.

Screenshot highlighting

How do I view all recurring transactions recorded for a donation?

That's easy! Just choose Finance > Recurring Transactions from the main menu to view all your recurring donations. Then click the history icon next to the transaction you want to view. MonkeyPod will display all related transactions, including the original donation.

I set up a recurring transactions by mistake. How do I get rid of it?

To completely delete the recurring transaction, choose Finance > Recurring Transactions from the main menu to view all your recurring donations, then click the "View details" icon next to the transaction you want to view. Choose Delete recurring transaction from the sidebar menu on the transaction details screen. This will not delete the original donation or any donations recorded up to this point. It simply deletes the instructions to continue recording the donation in the future. (To end a recurring transaction, but still keep a record of it, you'll want to choose the Edit settings option and click "End Now" as described above.)

Screenshot of transactions list highlighting the View Details icon

What if I want to manually record a donation from this memorized transaction?

To manually record the next donation, choose Finance > Recurring Transactions from the main menu to view all your recurring donations, then click the "View details" icon next to the transaction you want to view.

Screenshot of transactions list highlighting the View Details icon

Then choose Record next from the sidebar menu on the transaction details screen and the donation will be immediately recorded with today's date.

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