Training Calendar

MonkeyPod offers a variety of training opportunities offered by our staff as well as our partners in the nonprofit community! From board management to using the Email Automation app, we got you covered!

In addition to "traditional" style trainings, we also offer a Weekly Welcome Wednesday Open Office Hour! That's right, these are drop in office hours where you can ask whatever you want related to the MonkeyPod software!

Want to keep up to date with everything MonkeyPod Training?

We try to make it easy to follow what we're doing in our Community and Learning department, so click below to follow our trainings!

Access our shareable training calendar

We publish all of our trainings to our training calendar - so feel free to follow along with us by adding this to your own calendar!

Follow MonkeyPod on Eventbrite

We use Eventbrite to run all of our trainings, so the best way to stay up to date on training offerings is to follow us on Eventbrite. You'll get a notification the minute we publish a new training.