How to use Email Templates

The email campaigns you send through MonkeyPod will typically follow one of a handful of visual/layout formats. Maybe you have a newsletter that uses a standard design, or a regular board update that has the same content sections each time. Email templates make it easy to maintain this kind of visual consistency.

Where do I find my Email Templates? 

To find your Email Templates go to Email Outreach then click on Templates

Screenshot showing email outreach templates

Here you will see all of your templates listed as well as a link to our free template gallery!

How do I add a new template to my MonkeyPod?

To add a new template you can either...

  1. Click on Add a Template
  2. Click on the Duplicate Template icon

How do I edit an Email Template?

When you go to create a template, you'll start with a generic layout that includes a stand-in for your logo, some basic sections of text, a spot for an image, and a call to action. You can (and should!) edit all of this stuff. (The only part you can't change is the footer at the bottom that includes your organization name and an unsubscribe link.)

In general, there are three areas that allow you to edit. 

  1. On the far right is the menu that allows you to add content, blocks of content, body, or images
  2. In the middle is the area where you can insert specific elements
  3. On the bottom are the preview buttons

How can I use an Email Template in a Campaign?

After you've customized and saved your template, you'll be able to select it when creating a new campaign. Each campaign, of course, can make its own changes and insert its own content into the base layout provided by the template itself. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I use merge tags in my emails? So that if someone's first name is in my MonkeyPod it says "Dear _______,"
    1. Yes! Check out our article on using merge tags for a full explanation

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