How to Release Grant Funds

When the purpose of the grant is fulfilled or the time period specified by the donor has ended, funds may be released from restriction (according to the grant agreement). The funds are then moved from the restricted funding account to unrestricted funding.

Fund releases can also be used to releasing funds not tied to a specific expense. Example: a $50,000 grant that includes $1,000/month in general overhead support over the 12-month grant period. 

For information about paying for expenses with grant funds, see How to Record and Track Grant Expenses.

How do I release funds in my MonkeyPod?

To release grant funds from restriction, first find the grant by choosing Fundraising > View All Grants from the main menu.

Screenshot showing where to find grants

Locate the grant in the list, and click "Grant" to view it.

Screenshot showing list of grants

Scroll to the bottom of the grant page to find the "Fund Releases" section. Click "Release Funds" to release funds in accordance with your grant agreement.

Enter the date, the amount, select the class, and include a brief explanation. Then click the check mark to save your fund release. You can enter these releases as they happen or all at once, whichever you prefer. Remember to leave a memo/explanation so that you are able to track the purpose for these fund releases!

At the top of the grant page, it's easy to see the amounts awarded, received, and released at a glance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I view fund releases in my MonkeyPod?

You can find fund releases either by choosing Finance > Transaction Log, and choosing "Fund Releases" from the filter at the top. Or you can look up a specific grant, and the "Fund Releases" section of the grant page displays all releases from that account. Or, for any restricted accounts (Net Assets with Donor Restrictions), you can also choose Finance > Chart of Accounts from the main menu, click the "Net Assets" tab, and then click the name of the account. The account page will show all related transactions including fund releases.

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