How to Record and Track Grant Expenses

MonkeyPod allows you to easily record and track expenses that were paid for by grants.

How do I record an expense I paid for with grant funds in my MonkeyPod?

To record an expense that was paid for with grant funds, first record a restricted grant in your MonkeyPod. After that is done, use one of the options under "Income & Expenses" in the Finance menu to record the expense.

Screenshot higlighting expense options in the Finance menu

For this example, we'll track an expense paid by check that uses grant funds.

First choose Write Check / Debit Card from the Finance menu.

Enter the basic check details as usual. When entering "Expense Details", click the link to "Apply grant funds". A drop-down menu appears listing the available grants in your MonkeyPod. Any restricted grant with unspent funds will appear on that list. Select the appropriate grant to use the funds from that account.

Screenshot of Expense Details with

Reminder: Be careful when applying grant funds that you are applying them correctly! Note any restrictions on the grants.

What about the complicated accounting steps? 

Accounting for the release and expenditure of restricted funds is complicated, error-prone, and required by accounting rules. Thankfully, MonkeyPod takes care of it for you! When you use the process outlined above, MonkeyPod automatically handles the extra accounting required to track the release of those funds from restriction.

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