Overview of Grant Management

MonkeyPod enables you to easily record and keep track of money you have earned from grants. Whether you're tracking grant proposals through our Grant Tracker app or generating spending reports, MonkeyPod has you covered!

This article gives a general overview of how grants are handled in MonkeyPod. If you're looking for a more in-depth explanation, check out all of our Grant Management articles or our YouTube Playlist!

How can I record a new grant?

Grants are tracked in MonkeyPod as their own transaction types. To enter a new grant, go to Finance > Record a New Grant. Once a grant is recorded, MonkeyPod will automatically create a Net Asset account in your Chart of Accounts.

Screenshot of Finance menu with

See How to Record a New Grant for more detail about setting up a new grant in your books.

Where can I find grants I've already entered?

There are several ways to access a grant in your MonkeyPod after you have entered it.

  • Chart of Accounts: Your chart of accounts includes your grants under the "Net Assets" tab. Choose Finance > Chart of Accounts from the main menu to get there.
  • Relationships: The relationship record for a grantor lists all their grants under the "Transactions" tab.
  • Transaction Search: From the Finance menu, choose Search Transactions and limit your search to include only grants as the type of transaction to display. That will give you a list of all your grants. You may also add other search criteria to focus on just the grant(s) you want to find.
  • Transaction Log: From the Finance menu, choose Transaction Log and filter the display to show only "Grant" transaction types.

How do I record a grant payment?

To record a payment for a grant, first create the grant or locate an existing grant through one of the methods described above. Then, on the grant page, click "Record Payment" under "Payments Received" to record the payment. Multiple payments may be entered for a grant.

For more detail, see How to Record a Grant Payment.

Screenshot of Payments Received section of grant record.

How do I track expenses for a grant?

When tracking an expense (such as a writing check, paying a bill, or a credit card charge) you can select the grant as you are entering the expense details. This will automatically release the funds and track this expense on the recorded grant.

For more detail, see How to Record and Track Grant Expenses.

Screenshot of Expense Details on a grant record with

How do I report on a grant?

From the grant record in your MonkeyPod, choose either Report (PDF) or Report (Excel) to generate a report including amounts received or released, and related details.

Screenshot of grant record with sidebar menu highlighted

Frequently Asked Questions

Does MonkeyPod offer a way for me to track my grant applications before I receive the funds?

Yes! Check out the Grant Tracker app!

Does MonkeyPod allow me to release funds not tied to a specific expense?

Of course! Check out this article on Fund Releases.

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