Overview of Relationships

Think of all the sources you rely on to keep your organization thriving! Donors, foundations, corporate entities, grantors, vendors, employees and volunteers—all contributing in their own way to help you reach your goals. In MonkeyPod, we refer to this group collectively as your "relationships". MonkeyPod offers powerful tools for managing these relationships, and gives you instant access to see their interactions, financial transactions, and other involvement with your organization all in one place!

Managing relationships

MonkeyPod provides a variety of ways to manage your relationships:

  • Relationship Types indicate what the relationship is (individual, organization, corporate, etc.).
  • Roles keep track of how relationships relate to your organization.
  • Connections and Householding highlight how relationships are associated with each other.
  • Interactions show how and when the relationship has interacted with your organization.
  • Pipelines provide tools to monitor how relationships are progressing through relevant steps in your organization.
  • Custom Attributes help you document extra information that is specific to your organization.

How do I enter relationships into my MonkeyPod?

Before you get started entering relationships, make sure you have setup roles in your MonkeyPod!

The simplest way to enter a new relationship is to choose Relationships > Create New from the main menu.

Screenshot of Relationships menu with

If you're interested in uploading multiple entities at once, check out this article on migrating your data to your MonkeyPod.

How can I search my relationships?

MonkeyPod offers powerful tools for searching your relationships to find exactly the information you need. Run a simple search for name or email address using the search box in the Relationships menu.

If you're looking for more powerful search tools to segment your relationships based on very specific criteria, choose Advanced Search from the Relationships menu. Learn more here.

Screenshot of Relationships menu with search options highlighted.

What options do I have for reporting on my relationships?

MonkeyPod offers a number of ways to generate reports to gain insight into how your relationships are involved with your organization. You can find all of these options in the Relationships menu under "Reports".

  • Choose Top Donors, Top Customers, and Top Vendors to see the top performers in each category for the current fiscal year, a specified year, or the lifetime of your organization.
  • Choose Donor Retention to examine the percentage of donors who give from one year to the next.
  • Select Contribution Details to learn which relationships submitted different types of contributions (donations, pledges, grants) for a chosen time period.
  • Choose Sales Details to view sales transactions for a given period. Filter by item sold to see which relationships purchased specific items.
  • Choose Export All Relationships to export selected details about your relationship records and work with that file in a spreadsheet, mail merge, or whatever else you need.

What options do I have for emailing my relationships?

Keep in touch with your various relationships using your MonkeyPod's Email Outreach tools:

Frequently Asked Questions

We seem to have duplicate entries for some relationships, is there a way MonkeyPod can help us clean that up?

Absolutely! Choose Manage Duplicates from the Relationships menu to see lists of "likely duplicates" and "possible duplicates" and choose how you would like them to be handled. For more information see How to Use the Duplicates Manager.

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