How to Use Advanced Relationship Search

MonkeyPod gives you the ability to cross section and search your relationships taking multiple pieces of data into account. Want to know who lives within a certain proximity of your event space? Or maybe you want to know who has given $5,000.00 lifetime? Advanced Relationship Search is here to help!

What is Advanced Searching in my MonkeyPod?

MonkeyPod offers the ability to search your entities if you are 

  • Looking for donors who gave $1000 in the last year but have never subscribed to your annual Gala Mailing List
  • Looking for donors affiliated with a specific partner organization and located within 100 miles of Jacksonville, FL 

in MonkeyPod, these searches are no problem.

MonkeyPod User Tip: if you find yourself performing this search often, MonkeyPod gives you the ability to track membership in this search as a dynamic attribute

Where can I find Advanced Search in my MonkeyPod?

To get started searching, click on Relationships in the main navigation. From here, click on the Advanced Search button.

Screenshot showing where to find Advanced Search button

Advanced Search offers a number of ways you can search your relationships. The categories of available search criteria are displayed at the top of the page:

Use these criteria to find relationships based on specific information that your organization tracks.

  1. Basics: Basic information such as name, organization, type, age range, anonymity preference, and whether an email address exists
  2. Roles: How the relationship interacts with your organization, such as 'donor' or 'member'
  3. Householding: How to handle "child" relationships in searches
  4. Geography: Criteria for country and geographic proximity based on a relationship's address
  5. Financial Activity: Specific giving and/or purchase history
  6. Email Lists: Whether someone is a member of, has unsubscribed from, or is not a member of a mailing list
  7. Custom Attributes: Match based on your organization's custom attributes  
  8. Record History: Creation and modification dates

Various types of criteria can be used together to create very specific searches like the ones described above and in the next example.

How does the Advanced Search work?

To create a search, start by selecting the criteria you want to search on. In this example we'll search for individuals who are donors, and who ARE NOT board members. To do so, we select the "Basics" and "Roles" criteria, and then choose "Individual" as the type of entity under Basic Info, and select the options under "Roles" as shown below.

Now, let's say we want to narrow the search further based on financial information as well as email list participation. Click the "Financial Activity" and "Email List" options.

Additional search fields now appear for these recently selected criteria sets.

To include only donors who have given $1000 last year, choose "At Least" from the dropdown menu under "Contributions", enter 1000 as the amount, and then select Last Fiscal Year from the second dropdown. The "And Also" button would allow you to add other parameters such as a search filter on Lifetime contributions.

So now your search results will show all individuals who are donors (but not board members), as long as they've also gave at least $1000 last fiscal year. Now, let's say you want to refine this further to exclude anyone who has never subscribed to the Annual Gala Invitation. Select "Never Subscribed to" from the Mailing List dropdown menu, and then select the relevant subscriber list. 

To view the results, scroll to the bottom of the screen. The results are updated there as you select your search criteria.

What options do I have for working with search results?

The following options can be used to quickly perform an operation on the whole batch of relationships in your search results. The options appear as buttons above the search results. Just click any button to kick off the process!

  1. Export Details: Choose the data you want to include in an export of the found records. The export is sent to you via email.
  2. Subscribe To Mailing List: Subscribe all of the found relationships that have an email address to an email list that you choose. This bypasses any opt-in/confirmation for the subscription. Be sure you have permission to subscribe these people!
  3. Record A Bulk Interaction: Planning on sending a piece of direct mail to everyone in the found set? That would be a good example of when you'd want to record an interaction for the whole group.
  4. Add to Pipeline: Add everyone in the found set to a cultivation pipeline.
  5. Assign A Role To All: Assign a role to all found relationships.
  6. Add As Campaign Prospects: Add all of the found relationships to the Campaign Tracker. (This is only an option if you have the Campaign Tracker app installed.)

Can I save a search to run again in the future?

Yes! If you want to save a search to run again later, give it a name and click the "save" icon.

Screenshot showing where to enter name for saved searches

To run a saved search in the future, click the "Load a Saved Search" button at the top of the Advanced Search screen.

Then choose the search you want to run! You can select "Created by any user" to also include searches saved by other members of your organization. This is an easy way to create and share reporting insights with your team.

When you're viewing a saved search, the name of the search appears in the top right of the page. Click the 3-dot menu there to see your options to delete the saved search or load a different search. You can even create a "dynamic attribute" based on the search criteria!

Can I choose what information is displayed for my search results?

Of course! By default, your MonkeyPod will display city, state, country, and lifetime financial totals along with each relationship name. But we understand that there may be other attributes that you find more useful to display for the search results.

In addition to showing or hiding the default fields, your MonkeyPod has the option of displaying any of your custom attributes. Just click the option "Choose columns to display" option, and select from the available choices.

Screenshot showing how clicking 'Choose columns to display' expands a panel with a checklist of available options.

Your customization will be saved for your account, and will not impact how others in your organization view their search results.

For information about creating new custom attributes, check out our article, How to Use Custom Attributes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I clear out my search criteria and start a new search?

Yes! Once you start configuring your search, you'll see a button appear at the top of the screen. Just click that, and you can start with a clean slate!

How can I search for someone who is not on an Email List?

From the Advanced Search window select Email Lists. Using the "Email List" criteria, select "Never Subscribed To" then choose the list.

How can I use advanced search to help me print mailing labels?

Easy! Run the search to find the relationships that you want to include in your print mail campaign. Click "Export Details" and select just the fields you need for the mailing labels. MonkeyPod emails you the csv file that can be used in a mail merge with Microsoft Word, or whatever program you use to print your mailing labels.

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