How to Use Interactions

Interactions allow you to track any contact or interaction you have had with a relationship. From a meeting attendance to a phone call, your MonkeyPod can be the place where you get a clear picture of your relationship with your relationships!

Want to be able to know every touch point you have had with a record? Well, look no further than interaction tracking!

How can I use interactions in my MonkeyPod?

You can find the interactions feed on an individual's relationship card. To get there, select the Relationships menu, then select People & Organizations. Search this list for the person you're interested in, and then select their name to be taken to that relationship's profile.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select the "Interactions" tab to check out the relationship's interactions or track a new one.

Screenshot showing that you can find Interactions under the tab labeled Interactions

How do I record an interaction in my MonkeyPod?

To record an interaction, open the Interactions tab and click Record Interaction.

Screenshot showing to hit

Note what happened and when. You can also include a more detailed description if you like.

Screenshot showing the record and interaction screen

Can I use tags for interactions?

Yes! As shown in the screenshot above, you can use tags on interactions. This can be useful if you're trying to see everything associated with a program, event, fundraiser etc.

To enable the use of tags for interactions, go to My MonkeyPod then Organization Settings.

Head on over to Relationships and select, Heck yeah! Tags rule. to enable tagging of interactions!

How can I flag an interaction in my MonkeyPod?

A secondary function of the "Interactions" tab is to provide an alert to colleagues who may have future interactions with the relationship. When logging an event, you can designate it as a Critical Alert.

When someone has a critical alert in their history, it automatically shows up prominently displayed at the top of that relationship's profile. For example:

Screenshot showing the display of a critical alert for a record

Can I use critical alerts for notes?

You sure can! Want to a note to float to the top of a record? Go ahead and record an interaction and flag it!

Can I designate an alert after I add the interaction?

Yes! you can click on the icons in the menu for any interaction after you have entered it.

Screenshot showing where to add a

You can also do this from the Interactions Feed which is described in the next section.

Can I see a feed of all interactions?

Yes! Check out this article on the Interaction Feed, screenshot shown below 😎

Screenshot showing the interactions feed

Does my MonkeyPod track anything automatically?

Yes! In fact, MonkeyPod tracks most things automatically. If a relationship takes any of the following actions, it will automatically be added to their interaction feed.

That interaction will be tracked automatically in the system

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