How to use Householding

Householding is perfect for connecting members of a family under a head of household, or connecting an organization record and individual records. For example, you may want to household a grant maker (the parent organization entity) and the grant officers (individual child entities) who work there.

If you're looking for a less formal way to connect people, check out our connections feature!

What is householding in my MonkeyPod?

Householding in MonkeyPod allows you to group multiple relationships together. Each household can have an unlimited number of relationships under it (i.e. child entities), but each household can only have one head of household (i.e. parent entity). You can use this feature to connect accounts under one head of household. This can be to put employees under their employers or to show that multiple relationships are part of the same household.

If you want to show that people are connected without the formal connection of a household the connections feature might be more of what you're looking for!

How do I household someone under another relationship?

To household someone under another relationship go to the relationship you want to put under someone and click Edit details.

Screenshot showing where to edit details

From here, you can see householding information right under Basic Info

To household the account, start typing the name of the parent account, if no parent account exists, hit the Create new link to create it on the fly

What are my options for addresses and crediting?

You can choose what you want to track for this person in the household with these two options:

  1. Use Angelo Gartside's Address?: Selecting this option will mean that your child record shares the parent records address.
  2. Credit Angelo Gartside's with aggregate activity?: Selecting this option means that any donations contributed by the child record will bubble up to the parent record

Can I change the household name?

Yes! To edit the household name go to the parent entity and enter what you want the household name to be under "Household Name"

Can I view interactions for an entire household?

Yes! To view the interactions for an entire household, go to the interactions tab of the parent record and click the "Include all household" checkbox. Don't know about interactions yet? Check out this article to learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What if I don't want to household someone, but rather, just track a connection between them in some way? Is that possible?
    1. Yes! In addition to householding, MonkeyPod offers the ability to use Connections to connect different entities.
  2. Can I use householding to connect different types of records? i.e. Individuals with Foundations or Organizations.
    1. Yes, householding is a great feature for this purpose! For example, if you receive a grant from a foundation, the financial transaction is connected to the foundation entity record. However, you may also want to track the interactions that you have with the grant officers at the foundation. Make the foundation the head of household / parent record, with the grant officers householded underneath (as child entities), and use the Interactions tab to view in one place all of the interactions you have with the foundation.
  3. Can I use householding to help me prepare a print mailing?
    1. Absolutely! Go to the head of household / parent entity and name the household (see instructions above). When you export entities from MonkeyPodʻs Advanced Search, you can opt to include the Household Name field in your export file.

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