Overview of Email Outreach

One of the greatest parts about MonkeyPod is the ability to have your CRM, Fundraising, Accounting, Budgeting, and Grant Management systems directly connected to your Email Outreach. This allows you to easily send a campaign to past donors or event attendees who haven't yet made a donation.

Where can I find Email Outreach tools in my MonkeyPod?

You can find all Email Outreach tools under the main menu in the section titled Email Outreach.

Screenshot showing where to find Email Outreach tools

In this section you will find three main areas:

  1. Lists & Campaigns: This is the main Email Outreach area. This is where you create your lists, run your campaigns, and create your templates and subscription forms.
  2. Insights: This is where you can see visualizations and analytics on your email lists, campaigns, and subscriber growth.
  3. Automation: Here you can find direct links to our BCC to MonkeyPod feature as well as Email Automation.

How does Email Outreach work in MonkeyPod?

We make it easy to create engaging content and reach your target audiences with a suite of Email Outreach tools. In general, Email Outreach in MonkeyPod works by connecting three areas:

  1. Email Lists
  2. Campaigns
  3. Templates

Email Lists

Email Lists determine who will receive your message. Email List recipients are called subscribers. With Email Lists, you can organize and segment your audience however you like. Need to share updates that only reach your regular volunteers? Create a Volunteer Email List. Do you have a recurring newsletter? Make that an Email List, too.


Campaigns are the unique emails you send to your Email Lists. Once you’ve decided who will receive your message, you’re ready to build and send an email with the Campaign tool. Campaigns can be built from scratch or from a pre-designed Template.


MonkeyPod enables you to save the designs of your most frequently sent emails as Templates. This helps your organization’s messages have a consistent look and feel. Your MonkeyPod subscription includes dozens of professionally designed email templates, but you can also create and save your own custom Templates.

Subscription Forms

Want to put a place on your website for someone to subscribe themselves to your Email Lists? MonkeyPod provides the ability to do this in both an embedded and modal format. Want to set this up? Check out this article that explains how to do it!


MonkeyPod Insights help strengthen your email marketing strategy. This tool provides email analytics for your Email Lists and Campaigns, such as open rates, click rates, and more.

Insights can answer questions like:

  • How many subscribers open emails from your organization?
  • Is your Newsletter subscription growing or shrinking?

And, over time, you can learn about the type of email content your constituents are most interested in.