Data Migration 2: Using the Data Import Templates

The purpose of this article is to provide instructions on our Data Import Tool. If you want an overview on data migration in general be sure to check out: Data Migration: Overview of Importing your Data

Links to other Data Migration Articles: 

Where can I find data import templates?

To make the process as easy as possible, MonkeyPod has provided an easy-to-use import tool that allows you to bring over your data.

To find the templates go to My MonkeyPod. Then under Imports, you will see all of the import options. Each link includes a data import template for that data type.

  1. Relationship Data: Remember, people always get imported first! We can't bring in a donation history without first bringing over the relationship record.
    1. This import includes:
      1. Relationships
      2. Email Subscriptions
      3. Interactions
      4. Connections
      5. Additional Addresses
  2. Pre-MonkeyPod Transactions: This import is specifically for transactions that occurred before your MonkeyPod bookkeeping start date
  3. Current Transactions: This import is for transactions after your bookkeeping start date. If you're bringing in transactions from the current year, you can do that here.
  4. Other Imports: Usually these are imports that you need to bring in before you bring in transactions, Tags and Items

How do I use the templates?

To make things as easy as possible - the system generates a template specific to your data. That's right - the tool will generate templates for you.

To make it as clear as possible - let's work through a scenario where you are bringing in relationships and you would like to add a group of those to an email list. Remember, when it comes to imports, people come first. So our general plan here will be to import:

  1. Your relationships
    1. Donors, Vendors, Board Members, Press Lists, Program Participants, Volunteers, everyone!
  2. Email list subscription information

You can import both your Relationships and your Email Subscriptions by selecting Relationship Data.

Bringing in Relationships

So let's start by going to My MonkeyPod ->Imports -> Relationship Data

From here be sure to read the instructions and then select "Download a template CSV file"

You will then be prompted to select which fields from your MonkeyPod you want to import.

Be sure to enter any custom attributes before you go to import, this will make it so they show on this list!

Then click Download Template.

From here, all that is left is to fill out the template. Open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet editor and add your data to the spreadsheet.

Need instructions and guidance on the templates? Be sure to click the link that gives you what is expected in each field.

When you are ready to go check the Yes! I read and followed the instructions. My import file is a work of art. Then drag your file in or choose it from the window and click on Next: Review Import.

Screenshot highlighting Review Import button

Next, MonkeyPod shows you some records from your import so that you can see what they'll look like and asks you how it should handle duplicates.

If MonkeyPod spots a duplicate (usually a matched email address), you have options for how it will be addressed.

  1. Skip the duplicate: If there is already a record with that email address in the system, your MonkeyPod will skip over the import record and will instead keep the original record. The importer will give you the option to download which accounts were skipped as duplicates. Because of this, choose this option if you think some of the people in your import file may already be in your MonkeyPod.
  2. Delete and replace the existing record: This option means that the existing relationship in MonkeyPod will be completely overwritten with the new information from the import.
  3. Allow duplicate email addresses to be treated as new records: This option means that the record in MonkeyPod will be kept and the new record in the import will be brought in. If you are unsure we recommend choosing this option and then merging your duplicates.

If everything looks good, go ahead and click Run Import. If there is something that doesn't look quite right, click Cancel and take a look at your import file.

Screenshot of the review records screen highlighting the cancel and run import buttons

The last step is to review any Invalid Records that you had by downloading the file and taking a look!

Column A in the spreadsheet will let you know why the import row was invalid.

For example, the Import Error for this row of data is that an Organization Name is required if the type is "Organization." So from here you can fix the error and try again!

Screenshot showing an Invalid Import error

Bringing in Email Subscriptions

Once your relationships are in, you can subscribe them to your email lists.

From here, you follow a very similar process to subscribe anyone in your system to an email list.

What do I need to prepare for each type of import?

Below you can find details on what information needs to be included in each relationship data import.

Relationship Data


  • What is this import?: Use this import to bring in all information on any of your relationships. From Donors to Vendors to Program Participants, this is the way you bring all relationship information in.
  • What to prepare before bringing these in?: Before you can bring in your relationships, you should have your Roles and Custom Attributes set.

People always come first. So be sure to prepare a list of all of your relationships. These can include but are certainly not limited to

  • Donor Lists
  • Vendor Lists
  • Customer Lists
  • Board Members
  • Program Participants
  • Funder information
  • Organizational Partner information
  • Anyone you relate to as an organization!

Once you have gathered your lists, put them together and specify a role for people. Not able to bring everything in at once? Bring in what you can and use MonkeyPod's Duplicates Manager to merge records after the fact.

Email Subscriptions

  • What is this import?: Use this import to mass-add relationships to Email Lists. * Remember, you should have permission to email people on your lists*
  • What to prepare before bringing these in?: Make sure that you've brought in all of your relationships and that you have set up your Email Lists

Once you have your relationships in MonkeyPod, this import lets you subscribe your relationships to your various email lists.


  • What is this import? Use this import to bring in any interactions your organization has had with a relationship. If you have a record of emails sent to your constituents or a history of direct mailings, you can import them as interactions.
  • What to prepare before bringing these in?: Make sure that you've brought in all of your relationships and that you have set up any custom interaction types if you plan on using those.

Once you have your relationships in MonkeyPod, this import lets you bring in interactions you have had with your relationships.


  • What is this import?: This import lets you bring in any connections that your relationships may have with each other.
  • What to prepare before bringing these in?: Make sure that you've brought in all of your relationships and that you have set up any custom connection types if you plan on using these.

Once you have your relationships in MonkeyPod, this import lets you connect accounts using connections.

Financial Information

Pre-MonkeyPod Transactions

  • What is this import?: These templates are used to bring in sales and donation information from before your MonkeyPod Bookkeeping Start Date.
  • What do I need to prepare before bringing these in?: After you bring in your relationships, you need to enter any Items and Tags that you want to attach to your transactions.

This import lets you bring in transactions from before your MonkeyPod Bookkeeping start date. These transactions will get put into a virtual account so that they don't impact your current financials. There are separate imports for Donations (contributed income) and an import for Sales (earned income).

Current Transactions

  • What is this import?: These templates are used to bring in transactions that are tied to your current fiscal year
  • What do I need to prepare before bringing these in?: After you bring in your relationships, you will need to enter or import any Items and Tags that you want to attach to your transactions. If you are bringing in expenses, you will need to make sure that they have a class associated with them.

This import lets you bring in transactions that are in your current fiscal year. You can bring in:

  • Revenue
    • Donations
    • Sales (be sure to bring in your items first!)
    • Pledges
    • Invoices
  • Expenses
    • Bills
    • Checks
    • Credit Card Charges
  • Other
    • Journal Entries

Other Information


  • What is this import?: This is an import of tags and items that can be used to categorize relationships or transactions. You may consider coming up with a tagging system before you import to get the most out of Accounts, Classes, and Tags in MonkeyPod.
  • What do I need to prepare to bring these in?: Learn about how our system uses tags and make sure you have a good understanding of the concept, then all you need to do is give each Tag a type so that you can easily search and sort through them

This import lets you bring in a list of tags. Tags in MonkeyPod can be used to tag information on transactions, program participation, and much more. Be sure to learn about these to make sure you're setting up your system as efficiently as possible


  • What is this import?: This import lets you bring in your items in one swoop! This is useful if you sell a lot of merchandise, class "items", etc...
  • What do I need to bring these in?: You will need to have a list of your items, their descriptions, and their amounts to start.

This import lets you bring in a list of items in one go! Items in MonkeyPod are used when you need to invoice someone for a service that your organization has provided. We see these often with organizations that provide a service, classes, sell merchandise, and so much more!

Data Import Template FAQs

  1. Do the columns need to be in the same order as they are in the template
    1. No! We understand that you are likely bringing in existing spreadsheets - so keep the columns in the order that you know!

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