How to Automatically Record Payroll Transactions with Gusto

Gusto is a payroll and human resources management platform. By connecting your MonkeyPod to your Gusto account, you can have all of your payroll transactions and contractor payments recorded for you automatically and in real-time.

How do I setup Gusto to work with My MonkeyPod?

Step 1: Install the App

The first step is to visit the MonkeyPod App Marketplace and install the Gusto App. (You'll need to be an admin user of the organization to do this.) From the Apps & Integrations menu, choose Payroll, then click the link for more information on Gusto and an option to install the app.

Screenshot of the Gusto entry under the Payroll Apps menu.

Step 2: Connect to Gusto

After installing the app, follow the link to finish setting up the integration. At this point, you have two options. If you already use Gusto, you can login to your existing account and authorize MonkeyPod to access it. If you're not yet a Gusto user, then you'll have to create an account first. 

Step 3: Configure Settings

After authorizing the connection, there are just a few settings to configure. These include:

  • Choose which company in your Gusto account corresponds to your MonkeyPod organization.
  • Make sure all of the necessary accounts are setup to enable automated bookkeeping.
  • Decide whether you'd rather print physical checks in MonkeyPod or in Gusto.
Step 4: Import Historical Data (Optional)

Don't worry - this won't automatically record anything in your books unless you specifically tell it to. But you still may want to import your historical payroll and contractor payments into MonkeyPod. Having a record of this activity can be helpful to ensure you haven't missed anything. This import requires just two clicks: one to import payroll, and one to import contractor payments.

Step 5: Let us Import New Transactions for You

At this point your work is done, at least until you process payroll or contractor payments in Gusto. When that happens, they'll be automatically imported into MonkeyPod, typically within 24 hours. When MonkeyPod imports transactions in real-time, it also automatically records them in your books!

Step 6: Print Checks (Optional and as Needed)

If you have physical checks to print and you didn't print them in Gusto, now is the time to print them from MonkeyPod. To do so, choose Finance > Print Checks from MonkeyPod's main menu.

Step 7: Categorize Reimbursements (Optional and as Needed)

If the imported transactions included expense reimbursements, you may want to provide additional context to categorize and track those expenses properly in MonkeyPod. You can do this quickly and easily by using the "Uncategorized Reimbursements" tab. Or, if you prefer, just edit the payroll entries directly. 

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