How to Migrate Recurring Donors

Migrating to a new system can be daunting, but here at MonkeyPod we try to make it as easy as possible! This article focuses on bringing over Recurring Donors from other systems.

How do I bring recurring donors from my old system into my MonkeyPod?

In general, the best way to bring over recurring donors to your MonkeyPod is to treat it like an engagement activity. We recommend sending an email thanking them for their commitment to your organization, letting them know that you are switching systems, and asking them to update their information.

That sounds great, how do I do this?

  1. Make a Fundraising Page
  2. Set the Donation Options on that page to be only recurring giving
  3. Send an email to your Monthly Donors thanking them and asking to update their information

Frequently Asked Questions

If I was using Stripe with my old system can I just bring over those donations and connect them to MonkeyPod?

Long story short: no. There are a lot of reasons why this won't work. If you want a detailed answer email and I'm sure someone from the Development Team would love to nerd out and write a detailed response with why this won't work. 🤓

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