Overview of User Roles and Permissions

While transparency is one of our guiding principles here at MonkeyPod, we also understand the need to be able to segment the ability to view, modify, create, or delete certain pieces of information. Read below to learn how you can modify access to MonkeyPod while still allowing people to serve your organization as best as they can!

What are user roles in my MonkeyPod?

User roles define the activities your user will be able to do in your organization's MonkeyPod and is usually assigned when you add a new user . User roles are different from Relationship Roles which are segments of entities in your MonkeyPod (think donors, vendor, board member etc...).

How do I assign a user role in my MonkeyPod?

To manage the permissions and settings for someone who can access your MonkeyPod go to My MonkeyPod then Manage Users.

Screenshot showing Manage Users

This will show you a list of the users who have access to your organization's MonkeyPod.

Screenshot of

From here, you can edit an account and a user by clicking on the Edit Icon as shown below.

Screenshot highlighting where to edit user accounts

From here, it's easy to edit account information, names, and what role that user has within your organization!

Screenshot showing the permissions settings for a user

How do I edit the permissions for an existing user role in my MonkeyPod?

To change the configuration settings for permissions for an existing role go to My MonkeyPod then Manage Users.

Screenshot showing where to manage users

From here you'll see an area called Permissions.

Screenshot showing permissions

From Permissions, you can go tab by tab and to modify what each user in each role can do!

How do I create a new user role in my MonkeyPod?

The easiest way to create a new user role is to copy an existing role and change the permissions. To start, choose My MonkeyPod > Manage Users from the main menu.

Screenshot showing where to manage users

Select the Roles option at the top of the screen.

Screenshot showing how to manage roles

Now, click on Add user role

Screenshot showing where to add a user role

You'll see a modal window that asks you which currently existing role you're copying from and which name you want your new role to have.

Screenshot of Create a New Role window

From here, you can enter into the actual role and modify any permissions for your new role. Enjoy!

Can I delete a user role in my MonkeyPod?

Sure! User roles may only be deleted if they have no users assigned to that role. If the Delete icon is missing, this likely means that there are users with that user role.

To start, re-assign the users to the appropriate User Role then delete the User Role you want to remove. Like everything else in managing your users, you start by going to My MonkeyPod then Manage Users.

Screenshot showing where to manage users

You can then go to Roles and see a listing of your roles.

Screenshot showing roles

If a role can be deleted, a trashcan icon will appear on the right hand side of the User Roles table. To permanently delete the user role simply click the trashcan.

Admins are Here to Stay

The one exception to these guidelines is the "Admin" role, which is hard-coded with permission to do just about anything and cannot be changed or deleted. In addition, each organization must have at least one Admin user, so if there is only one Admin you won't be able to change that user's User Role or delete the user's account. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the "Owner" designation all about?

When viewing the list of users in your MonkeyPod, you may have noticed that one user has an "Owner" designation.


The owner, by default, is the first admin user (typically the person who setup your MonkeyPod to begin with). Currently, the owner designation is only meaningful in that it determines the contact person for some critical notifications. There are no owner-specific permissions except for the ability to transfer ownership to another admin. To do so, click the icon associated with the admin you want to be the new owner, and then confirm your selection.

Screenshot highlighting the option to designate a user as 'owner'

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