Learn about Custom Attribute Types

When making Custom Attributes for your Relationships, there are many data types you can choose from. In this article, we go over what these are and what they would look like in your MonkeyPod. Before you check this article out - be sure to check out the article on Creating Custom Attributes to know what this feature is!

Custom Attribute Types

You can find Custom Attributes by selecting the Relationships menu and then selecting Custom Attributes. When making attributes, you have the following options.


This option is great for single text attributes that an entity can only have one of, such as "Notes."

For text you have the option to change the display type on the actual form, these are:


This is for numbers. they are good when you are trying to track the number of something, such as "Number of pets"


This gives you a yes or no check box. For example, if you want to keep track of inactive vs. active, making an attribute called "inactive" that is yes/no would accomplish this!

Text (Multiple)

This gives you the option to select multiple text fields. For example, if you want to keep track of donor interests, text multiple is a good option because a donor can have multiple interests.

Want to know how to use tags? Check out the FAQ below.

For text (multiple) you have the option to change the display type on the actual form, these are:


This gives you the option to have an image upload. For example, if you want to have a place to store board member headshots.


This gives you the option to have a file upload. For example, if you have a volunteer contract.

Note: Do not upload W9s here. There is a place in MonkeyPod to do that!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I use a Text (Multiple) field to keep track of event participation?
    1. If you set the form field type to TAGS this will display all of the tags you have in MonkeyPod, which can include your events!
    2. Quick plug here for Eventbrite - if you want MonkeyPod to automatically track program/event attendance check out our Eventbrite Integration!