How to Track 1099-NECs
Coming up on tax time? MonkeyPod can help with that! If you need to issue a Form 1099-NEC (Non-Employee Compensation) to independent contractors or other service providers, your MonkeyPod can help you generate the data you need.
To make this work, MonkeyPod needs two things to happen first:
- Let MonkeyPod know who is1099-NEC eligible using the "Eligible to receive a 1099-NEC?" setting on the "Contractor" card for any vendor.
- Make sure to tell MonkeyPod which expense account(s) map to 1099-NEC eligible payments.
How do I mark a vendor as 1099-NEC eligible?
MonkeyPod tracks tax-related information for vendors in the "Contractor" relationship card.
Don't see the contractor relationship card!? Read the FAQ below!
To mark a relationship as 1099-NEC eligible, first enter the EIN/SSN and upload a signed W-9 by clicking the edit icons for those items in the "Contractor" card.
Then click the "Eligible to receive a 1099-NEC?" checkbox to mark a vendor as 1099-NEC eligible.
Tip! The first time you pay a vendor or contractor who is eligible for a 1099, be sure to ask them for their W9 Form, upload it here in their Contractor card, and select the checkbox that they are eligible to receive a 1099-NEC. It's a solid best practice to follow! Getting that set up promptly when you first pay any eligible vendor or contractor avoids a last-minute scramble to pull together your 1099s at the end of the year.
How do I map an expense account to 1099-NEC eligible payments?
From the Finance menu, choose Chart of Accounts.
Click the "Expense" tab to view your expense accounts, and then click the edit icon for the account you would like to make 1099-NEC eligible.
Scroll to the bottom and mark the account as "1099-NEC: Box 1 (Non-Employee Compensation)" and click "Save".
How do I issue my 1099-NECs?
From the Reports menu, choose 1099-NECs from the bottom of the "Accounting & Finance" section.
MonkeyPod then displays a page with additional information about 1099s and how MonkeyPod can help you issue your 1099-NECs. Be sure to read all information and check with your accountant!
When you are ready, select the year and then click "Export 1099-NEC Data".
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get the "Contractor" card to show up for my relationships? Do they have to be vendors?
You can add the Contractor Settings relationship card to any role!
The ability to track W-9s, EIN/SSN, and 1099-NEC eligibility is done through the Contractor relationship card. By default, this card appears for any relationship with the Vendor role assigned, but you can choose to have it appear for other roles as well. Go to Relationships > Manage Roles to see all your roles and the relationship cards that are displayed for each. Click the edit icon for the role you would like to include the Contractor card, and on the next screen select "Contractor Settings".
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