How to Record an Invoice

You've done the work, you've sold the stuff, let's make sure you get paid for it! MonkeyPod is built to help you seamlessly manage your organization's finances, and an important part of that is creating invoices for services performed, items sold, or reimbursable expenses.

If you've received an invoice from someone else, then you're paying a bill (not recording an invoice). Check out these articles about recording and paying bills in MonkeyPod.

How do I create an invoice in my MonkeyPod?

To create an invoice, select Finance from the main menu, and then under "Income & Expenses", select Create an Invoice.

Invoice Info

First enter the basic information about the invoice, including the customer, invoice date, and due date.

Continue building your invoice by choosing the items sold, reimbursable expenses, and services performed.


If the invoice includes a product or service that you sell regularly, choose that item from the "Item" dropdown menu. If the item doesn't already exist in your MonkeyPod, click "Create An Item" to enter it. You can add multiple items to an invoice, just click "Add item" to add each one. Check out this article about items for more information about how to setup and work with items.

Miscellaneous Services

If the invoice includes miscellaneous products or services that you don't regularly sell, click "Add Miscellaneous Service", and enter the details.

Reimbursable Expenses

If you are invoicing for reimbursable expenses, click "Add Reimbursable Expense" for each expense and enter the expense account, amount and optional memo.

Accounting & Tracking

In this section, you can add optional information that may be useful for tracking and accounting purposes:

  • Assign a class: The default is 'shared expenses'. Learn more about classes.
  • Add a tag: Learn about using tags.
  • Add a memo: Enter an optional internal note.
  • Assign a reference number: This is the invoice number.
  • Add a customer note: Add a note to the customer. This will appear on their invoice.
  • Apply a discount: Add discounts that you have already set up in your MonkeyPod.

When you have everything entered for the invoice, double check the invoice total at the bottom of the page, and click "Save".

How do I send the invoice once I've created it?

You have a couple of options!

Have MonkeyPod send the invoice by email and request payment online by credit card

On the invoice page, choose "Request Payment".

Review the details, add a message if you'd like, and click "Send Request". This request includes a "Pay Online" button to let the recipient pay online via credit card. Your MonkeyPod also records an interaction for you in the payee's relationship record.

Send an email or text to the payee outside of MonkeyPod and include a link to pay online

If you'd prefer to send your own message to the payee, you can click "Request Payment" as described above, but instead choose "Save & Copy Payment Link". You can then paste the link into an email or a text to the payee, and invite them to pay online. If you're using this option we strongly recommend using MonkeyPod's bcc feature to record an interaction for the invoice sent outside of MonkeyPod. See How to Auto-log Interactions by BCC.

Send a PDF or mail a printed copy of the invoice

When viewing the invoice, select Download PDF from the sidebar menu. You can then choose to print and mail the invoice or send it as an attachment to an email or text.

How do I record payment of an invoice?

There are a a couple of ways to record the payment of an invoice.

If the payee paid online, your MonkeyPod will take care of the transactions for you and they will be listed under the "Payments Received" tab on the invoice page.

If the payee paid offline, click "Record Payment" under the "Payments Received" tab.

Then enter the payment details and click "Save".

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I preview the invoice email before I send it?

Yes! Choose Preview email from the sidebar menu to first preview the email and make sure everything looks good. (The preview does not display the "Pay Now" button that is included if you are requesting payment.)

What if I invoice someone at regular intervals? Is there a way MonkeyPod can automatically record recurring invoices for me?

Sure! First, create or navigate to the invoice that you have already recorded for this customer. Then, from the sidebar menu, choose Memorize invoice. Set the name for the recurring invoice, the frequency, and the start and end dates, and MonkeyPod will take care of recording the future invoices.

Is there an easy way to copy and invoice and modify it as a quick way to create a new invoice?

Yes! From the sidebar, choose Copy invoice, and then in the dialog, enter the date for the invoice and a reference number. Choose Copy & View to create an exact copy with the new date and reference number. Or choose Copy & Edit and MonkeyPod makes a copy of the invoice for you and displays the page for you to edit the additional details, including the customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we bill hourly for staff time on an invoice?

It's easy! First create an "item" for staff time and specify the hourly rate. Then you just add that item to an invoice and increment the quantity to match the number of hours worked.

Screenshot of item entry showing staff time and hourly rate

How can I add a line item for transaction processing fees to an invoice?

Simple! First create an item called "transaction processing fee". Then add that item to the invoice!

How do I add a discount to an invoice?

First create the discount by choosing Finance > Discounts from MonkeyPod's main menu, then select "Add a discount".

Enter the details for the discount and click "Save". Discounts may be entered either as a fixed amount or a percentage to be deducted from the invoice total.

Once your discounts have been setup in your MonkeyPod, you can select them when creating or editing an invoice by clicking "Apply a discount" under the "Account & Tracking" heading of the invoice.

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