How to Setup a Fundraising Campaign with Campaign Tracker

Getting ready to start your first campaign with Campaign Tracker? We've got you covered! In this article, you'll learn how to:

This article assumes you have Campaign Tracker installed. If you haven't done that yet, check out Overview of the Campaign Tracker App to get setup!

How do I create a campaign?

Get started creating your new campaign by choosing Apps & Integrations > Campaign Tracker from the main menu. Then, in Campaign Tracker, click the "Create a New Campaign" button.

Enter a title for the campaign, along with start and end dates, and an optional fundraising goal, and click "Save" to create the campaign.

Next, think about how your supporters will be donating to the campaign. This could be through MonkeyPod fundraising pages or a donation form (embed) on your organization website, email outreach efforts, or some offline appeal. You'll want to have the fundraising page and/or donation form set up before you continue since you'll be connecting those donation methods to this campaign.

Let's say you're working on a campaign for your annual fund drive. You'll likely have a webpage where you promote the campaign and accept donations. You'll probably also have various approaches, or appeals, to connect with supporters about the campaign. You can setup these aspects of your campaign under the "Appeals" tab in Campaign Tracker.

Fundraising campaigns often consist of separate appeals tailored to unique donor segments, special interests, stages of the campaign. or different communication methods like emails, letters, social media posts, or phone calls. With Campaign Tracker you can set up any number of appeals for a campaign.

Let's say you want to have a special appeal via social media for your annual fund drive. If you'd like to track the success of that effort, you can treat it as a separate appeal within the campaign.

To create a new appeal, type a name for the appeal and click the checkmark.

Next, click the link icon to create the unique fundraising link that you'll use for this appeal. In this example, you would be creating this fundraising link to use in your social media posts.

As part of creating the link, you'll select which fundraising page the link should take supporters to. Once you've chosen the fundraising page, you can then copy the link or the QR code to share as part of your appeal. All gifts that come from supporters using that link or QR code will be automatically tagged with this appeal and counted toward the campaign.

When you create an appeal, your MonkeyPod generates a new tag (using the appeal name) to track gifts associated with the appeal. Click the link for the appeal to view all activity associated with that tag. (Check out our article on How to use Tags if you're new to using tags in MonkeyPod.)

If your MonkeyPod has a fundraising page or a donation form (embed) that is exclusively used for a campaign, select the page or form from the relevant section under the "Appeals" tab. Once you've done that, any gift made through that page or form during the time period set for your campaign gets automatically attributed to the campaign.

How do I add prospects to my campaign?

Now that you've got the campaign and its appeals setup, you're ready to reach out to your prospects. There are a couple of ways to add prospects to your campaign: you can use an advanced relationship search and add everyone who matches your search criteria as a prospect, or you can add prospects manually, one at a time.

Adding search results as campaign prospects

The easiest way to add prospects to your campaign is to use the advanced relationship search. See How to Use Advanced Relationship Search for details on how to run the search to find exactly the group of supporters you want to target. Once you have your search results as you'd like them, just click the "Add to Campaign" button on the search page, choose the related campaign, and you're set!

The relationships found by your search will appear in the "Prospects" tab for your campaign.

Adding prospects one at a time

You can also use the "Add a prospect" link the "Prospects" tab of your campaign to add a new prospect individually. To do so, first click 'Add a prospect".

Then start typing the name to find a matching relationship in your MonkeyPod. (If the relationship isn't already in your MonkeyPod, click "create new" to add it.) When you see the relationship you want, select it from the list.

Next, you have the option to enter a target "ask amount" for that prospect. Then click the check mark when you're done to save the new prospect to your campaign.

At any time, you can click the magnifying glass icon to view or edit the details for the prospect in this campaign. Including who is responsible for stewarding the relationship or soliciting the donation.

In addition to editing the information for the prospect, you can also view the details of their total giving history with your organization. This can be especially useful to give your solicitors important context when they're communicating with the prospect.

How can I track who is responsible for connecting with a prospect?

In your fundraising campaign, a steward plays a crucial role nurturing the relationship between the organization and its donors, ensuring that donors feel appreciated, and keeping them informed about how their contributions are making an impact. Stewards in your MonkeyPod are restricted to members of your team who are MonkeyPod users.

A solicitor is responsible for actively requesting donations from potential donors. Their role focuses on the direct "ask" process, whether through personal meetings, phone calls, emails, or other forms of outreach. Any relationship in your MonkeyPod can be chosen as a solicitor.

Assigning stewards and solicitors

To record the steward and the solicitor assigned a prospect, click the magnifying glass icon associated with a prospect.

Next, choose the steward from the list of users in your MonkeyPod. Then choose a solicitor from among your relationships by entering their name and selecting them from the list. (Use the "Create new" option if you need to create a new relationship for the solicitor.) When done, click "Save".

Once you've assigned solicitors to your campaign prospects, you can easily check in and see how they're doing by clicking the "Solicitors" tab. Here you can see the number of prospects assigned to the solicitor. Click the number to view the actual list of assigned prospects and their contributions.

You can also download a complete report of all solicitors' efforts by clicking the "Download All" button. Or download details for a particular solicitor by clicking the report icon at the right of the row.

How do I record offline gifts for this campaign?

Every donation that comes through a fundraising page or donation form associated with the campaign is automatically tagged for inclusion in the campaign. The same is true for donations given using special links. But you can also manually tag any donation, pledge or grant in your MonkeyPod to have it count for toward this campaign or a particular appeal. To do so, just record (or edit) the donation, grant, or pledge as you normally would, and choose the appropriate tag:

Where can I view the gifts associated with this campaign?

Click the "Gifts" tab in Campaign Tracker to view all of the donations, pledges, and grants that are tied to a campaign.

Click the Appeals filter and choose an option there to view just the gifts related to a specific appeal in the campaign.

Where can I get an overview of how the campaign is doing?

Now that you've got your campaign setup and your solicitors connecting with prospects, you can use the "Insights" tab to get an overview of how your campaign is doing and your progress toward your goal!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I control who on my team can access Campaign Tracker?

Absolutely! From your MonkeyPod's main menu, choose My MonkeyPod > Permissions. Click the "Apps" tab, and then find the section for Campaign Tracker. There you can select which roles should have access, and at what level. See "How to Use Roles" for details about setting up and assigning roles to your team members with access to MonkeyPod.

I've have tagged a donation to be included in the appeal, but I don't see it in the campaign gifts. What happened?

Make sure that you have the same tag that is listed in the "Appeals" section of the campaign, and that the donation was recorded during the time period for the campaign. You can check the timeperiod by looking at the summary of the campaign in Campaign Tracker. You can change the time period, if necessary, by clicking the settings icon.

How can I connect my fundraising campaigns with my email outreach efforts?

Crisitina: I think you had said you were going to work on this part as a tie-in with email automation? Maybe I'm mistaken. But it seems like maybe this should be a separate How To doc that we link to from here and the Overview of Contract Tracker page. It bothers me that we're using 'campaign' for 2 different things too — especially when you jump from Campaign Tracker to view Email Lists and you get to a page for "Campaigns" there that means something totally different. Makes me cringe a little...